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March 12 2008, 12:24 PM

So i was born in eugene oregon (all my relatives live there) then i moved to ney york for like 7 months then i moved to vermount for like 3 years then atfer that we moved to colorado springs and moved to different houses then me n my dad got in fights like one night he threw me against a door and chocked me then threw me on the ground and like sat on me and then he hit me really hard in my ribs and kicked me out at night so my mom diovorced him and me my brother and her all moved away so then she meet a guy and we moved in with him and dats were i am now going to coranado high school


Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 comments

aw im sorry!
my dad is like that but i cant get ride of him!
hes not that bad!
i guess the best of us always come from somthing bad happening to our lives!

Posted by big-fun-little-package on Mar 18, 08 10:40 am


Posted by LethalxTreat on Mar 12, 08 12:30 pm

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  • Male
  • 14 years old


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